Monday, February 4, 2013

1 Is The Loneliest Number

Despite everyone’s efforts, the inevitable question springs up after not too long when people hear I’m jetting off with the Peace Corps.

“So, you think you’ll meet a guy there?”

I love North Park dearly, but as a female senior, it seems that the only options that make sense after graduation are either get married or do missions. The Peace Corps isn’t exactly missions, but it’s close enough that people don’t ask a lot of questions. Even my mother, who is bursting with parental pride, has let the question slip.

Throughout the seemingly endless application process, I admit that this thought never crossed my mind. It never even occurred to me that this happens to people. Although, I did manage to make it through 4 ½ years at a Christian school without a proposal, so maybe it’s not that far out that I wouldn’t think of it.

But, so much was my curiosity with everyone’s infatuation that I took to the wire to see if this actually happens.

And apparently, it indeed happens quite a bit. Something about higher dopamine levels and isolation from home makes people connect and attach easier when overseas. 75% of returned Volunteers report that they were in love at some point during their program.

Now, as a girl who spent 3 summers at camp, I’ve seen people fall in love under less-than-appealing circumstances. Hot weather and cramped showers never held anyone at their hottest.

But when you compare it to the tribal villages and rural, waterless landscapes that Volunteers are dealing with, it seems like Nirvana. I wonder how anyone can fall in love under circumstances like that?

I’m very aware of how much work it takes to keep myself looking presentable. I know that 6 months into my program, I'm going to have caterpillar eyebrows, Einstein hair and a permanent smile. I’m going to help people, not meet someone. But apparently, survey says that for Volunteers, they’re inextricably linked.

I suppose I can’t dwell on it. I won’t know what’s going to happen until I get there. But I will say that if the crazy happens and I do meet a guy, I hope he loves my adventurous spirit.

Because baby, I won’t be smelling that good. 

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