Sunday, July 7, 2013

Above Africa

Looking out my window seat, above me is God; the guiding force behind this adventure, below me sits the Atlantic, which will separate me from everything I’ve ever known for the next 2 years. Somewhere in between I sit, really thinking about the journey ahead of me.

The past 2 days have been taken up with overwhelming bonding with my group, too much beer and not enough sleep. All of a sudden the people that I have only imagined surround me and they surpass anything I could have dreamt up on my own. It’s a rousing group of twenty-somethings, all ready to leave everything behind and already so in love with Sierra Leone.

Everywhere we go, the talk centers on our impending adventure. Finally we have someone to swap war stories with, compare experiences and inspirations and finally, FINALLY we are with people who understand us. No more skepticism, no more raised eyebrows, no more tears. There is this essence of camaraderie that amazes me. In a group of 43 people, you can sit down with anyone and get along.

Already scenarios are forming in my head. Which couple that paired off right away are going to be the ones who get married first? Will the best friendships we formed right away follow us through the next two years? How different will everyone look once we get over to Africa? Forgive me for saying so, but we really are an overwhelmingly attractive group right now. In 3 months however, we may be a little worse for wear.

I feel so blessed to be a part of this group. The more I get to know people, the more that I like them. As I look around to the people that were chosen for the same journey as me, I'm amazed at how special they all are. All of them are on fire for helping people, genuine of heart and kind-spirited. It reflects a positive light back onto myself, hoping that maybe since I was chosen to go with them, I might be a bit of those things too.

I’m looking forward to these next two years more than anything I can remember. After a long weekend of saying goodbye and crying at the slightest provocation, it feels amazing to finally be just happy. The life I had is behind me now, the life I will have ahead of me, and while things are still up in the air, I’m going to watch movies and laugh with my new friends.

“Today is the day! Your mountain is waiting! So, get on your way.”

~Oh, The Places You’ll Go, Dr. Seuss

My very first view of Sierra Leone from the plane!

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